Oh! There is Light At The End of Tunnel

Shikha SaxenaApr 29 · 1 min read

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Never seen this,

Never heard

People dying

Gasping for air

Never wanted this kind of life.

Never imagined this moment

Shortage of food,

Shortage of space,

Shortage of clothing,

were still alright,

manageable, no complaints…

But Air????

How and Why?

There must be some way out

Hold on, stay tight

Oh! There is always light…

At the end of tunnel.

In memory of all departed souls in this time of crisis…

Although its difficult to see beyond darkness!


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Shikha Saxena

A Technical Writer, an artist and blogger by choice. Passionate about reading , writing and editing. http://www.shikhasaxena.com and https://www.dnabox.co/

Image Journal

Image Journal

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