My Story Some Other Time

Shikha SaxenaSep 12 · 1 min read

Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

Some confess sorrow…………… perished them,

Do not ask about me.

My story some other time please………

My tale echoes all the time…………in new forms,

Who broke your heart? Tell me please.

Same story told in different tones, in different time zones.

Who broke my heart? This story some other time please….

Gathering pieces of shattered glass … not ask…. in presence of mortals,

If you are blamed, then it is not my fault.

Do not ask this story ……

May be some other time please……Some other time please…….

Hate and sorrow and arrows………… in your pastoral,

Whom should I call ?

Please give some sign…………… right now please…….

Whether I am alive or not?

Oh that is a complicated puzzle,

A riddle to solve!

Do not ask my story ………Do not ask please!

There is prodigious Strength in sorrow and despair….Charles Dickens

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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Shikha Saxena

A Technical Writer, an artist and blogger by choice. Passionate about reading , writing and editing. and

Image Journal

Image Journal

Shelving memories for a longer safekeep

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